
How do you train a machine learning model with only one image?

Our project successfully implements a vision recognition system using Augmentor and a Convolutional Neural Network

Technical Stack

- Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

- Backend: Flask, Python, Open CV, Google Cloud Platform

- Uses object detection and bounding box code for mural image detection with the power of OpenCV.

- Implements Augmentor to help supplement our sparse data set.

- Utilized transfer learning from TensorFlow Art as an artwork classifier.

- Wrote custom network for mural categorization. We built our model with NumPy and Tensorflow. In particular, we implemented a dual encoder convolutional neural network for unsupervised feature comparision. This essentially builds a "mural vector space" allowing the model, allowing for any murals to be quickly lookup and compared.

- Used Tensorboard for training validation and great visualizations.